Monday, August 18, 2008


Well what a weekend! We woke up Saturday morning and went to Wild Water West about 12:30-9:30! We got our money's worth there! We had such a great time. Getting home everyone was tired and pretty much went to bed. Sunday was VERY hectic! We got up, Chad and Kass took Jake and Kylie to the dog park, while out they washed Chad's Car and a bird pooped on it right away! HEHE I thought it was funny, Chad not so much! Anyway when they got home all 6 of us hopped in the van and went to the mall to grab something to eat. Once we were done eating, it was time for back to school shopping, nothing like waiting till the last minute! Which we are famous for! Once everyone was done at the Mall, Gordmans and Target, we went to HyVee for our weekly grocery shopping trip! When we got home, we got serious and did some serious cleaning! We were busy until 9:30 last night! I was falling over tired. We got ALOT accomplished! Our house looks REALLY good now! And the kids are back in school so we might manage to keep it clean! Yeah just dreaming! Anyway, hope everyone is ready for school to start, I certainly was! Have a great week and we will talk to you later!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hey everyone, sorry it's been so long! Things have been pretty wild for us as you can imagine! The kids are getting ready to get back to school, don't think they are happy about that, but I am LOVING the idea! I have gotten a promotion here at work! Which leaves me busy throughout the day! (WHICH I LOVE) Kylie was sick and had to spend the night in the hospital, but doing ALOT better now! I really don't have much for time right now, but will get back here in the next day or so!